Welcome to Shoreless Lake School!
Shoreless Lake School’s mission is to foster the talents, skills, and intellect of each student to their fullest capacity as a partnership with God, to aid students to perfect within themselves the image of Jesus Christ, and to encourage students to adopt a spiritual way of life which may lead them to a deeper love for Christ.
Although Shoreless Lake School Wisconsin opened its doors to students in September 2016, it has a long history.
Shoreless Lake School was established in 1991 by the Reverend Alfonso Gálvez, president of the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest. After operating for several years in New Jersey, the school was moved to Spain in 1997, where it continues to receive students in its facility in Totana, Southeastern Spain.
Shoreless Lake School is the result of a long-cherished dream of the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest: to make available to young people an integral and total formation based on Catholic values and tradition.
The same ideals that inspired Rev. Alfonso Gálvez to establish Shoreless Lake School are now the basis of Shoreless Lake School Wisconsin. The members of the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest will make available to the young people of Wisconsin the finest education in the Catholic and classical tradition.

"The end and essence of the education imparted at Shoreless Lake School ... is the formation in our students of the perfect image of Jesus Christ."
𐠒 Rev. Alfonso Gálvez
Shoreless Lake School addresses itself to...
those who have received a childlike heart
those who still believe in poetry; who never think of themselves; who are not afraid of great things
those who have chosen the shoreless sea of the divine Love instead of remaining in stagnant pools
those who never measure God with human standards; who look at things without selfishness and with true love
those who understand that nobody loves perfectly unless he dies for love of the beloved
those who have not turned into prosaic people, ordinary and lukewarm, but who think that the world and the things in it are exuberant with poetry, and that to young people is entrusted the mission of discovering it and singing it
School Authorities

𐠒 Rev. Alfonso Gálvez

Rev. Faustino Ruiz
General Administrator

Rev. Pedro Escribano
Spiritual Director

Ms. Silvanna Navarro

Rev. Pedro Javier Moya

Ms. Nicole Bishop
Assistant Principal

Ms. Miriam Máiquez